Arts & Crafts

For the last 8 Christmas Breaks, I have helped my friend Chrissy wrap some of her kiddos Christmas presents a few nights before Christmas all while gossiping and drinking wine.  It’s a lovely tradition!  Seriously, we start talking about it at least a week before I get home and each year we have an additional project or snack. 🙂

This year, she had an art project that I was happy to complete, but knew I wanted to do it differently (and larger) once I returned home.  (larger because I really do not like the color of the living room walls so I’m all for covering them up as much as possible)

This was the Christmas project (image from an online search because I forgot to take a picture)

Here’s my original* final product:


Original* because once it was complete, I decided the stripes should’ve been wider.  Since I couldn’t fix that, I painted the white stripes black.  I’m also thinking about writing “home” in script along the bottom right corner. Decisions!

This project is SUPER SIMPLE! And only requires 6 supplies.

You will need:

  1. A Canvas
  2. Painters tape
  3. Paint
  4. Paintbrush (foam worked well)
  5. Glue (I used Elmer’s but I’m sure tacky glue would be fine)
  6. Glitter (I used the super fine glitter you can find at Michael’s)



Tape off your lines.  I already mentioned I wish I had thicker lines, but I also wish I put half a piece of tape at the top where I started so I wouldn’t have such a small piece at the bottom.


Paint the exposed lines.  I used a foam brush and painted 3 coats.  The paint I used dried rather quickly so by the time I was done with the last line, the first line I pained was dry.


Once the painted lines are completely dry (wait overnight to be sure), carefully peel off the tape.


Draw the outline of your design with a pencil.  Place a line of glue over the outline.  Quickly sprinkle glitter over the glue.


Since I’m a little precise ;), I taped a few pieces of paper together and drew the outline of NC on that and then traced it on to my canvas.  Let the glue absorb the glitter.  Again, waiting overnight is ideal.

STEP FOUR again:

If you remember the final product, I didn’t think the outline was enough.  So I decided to fill the entire thing with glue and glitter!


It’s super important to LET THE GLUE DRY just like the image above!  if you sprinkle the glitter on the glue and then pick up the canvas to remove the excess glitter, the glue will run and your design will be ruined.  Let the glue dry overnight.  It was a little difficult to add glue and glitter to the canvas once the outline had hardened, so I suggest knowing if you’d like an outline or a bold design just to make the glue and glitter process easier!


Brush off the glitter.  I had a piece of poster board on the floor I dumped the glitter on.  It made it easy to keep the glitter contained AND I could fold the poster board and put the excess glitter back in the container!  I did take the canvas outside and lightly tapped the stubborn glitter off.




What Up, Wednesday?!

Well, well, well, we’ve made it to day 3 of consistent blogging!

Let’s give a new link up a try, shall we?

#WhatHappensOnWednesday #StaysOnTheBlogForever

What I’m Eating This Week…

Sarabeth’s Velvety Cream of Tomato Soup (recipe) and Grilled Cheese (on good, crusty, bakery bread!)

Confession: I was supposed to make this last week for a Soup Bar Dinner Party but I just did not feel well, so it got pushed to this week.

What I’m Reminiscing About…


Sucre in New Orleans has some of the BEST macarons and other delectable desserts. The King Cake flavor was my favorite by far and I really wish it wasn’t seasonal because I could eat 10 more right now! (and yes, sucre ships and I’m all about mail order food these days!)

What I’m Loving…

I really like the Superfood SIDE salad at Chick-fil-A!  It comes tossed lightly in dressing with dried cherries, and then you add the roasted nut blend.  It’s also delightful with some grilled chicken and a sweet tea!  or be daring and enjoy it with classic nuggets!  SO GOOD!

What I’ve Been Up To…

Not traveling 🙂

What I’m Dreading…


Washing these dishes.  Pretty sure “Dry Clean Only” and “Handwash Only” are evil words. 🙂  And I need to peel the label off of that salsa jar.  I like making my own salsa, but goodness – the Arriba! Fire Roasted Mild Red Salsa is yummy!!!!!

What I’m Working On…

Full time job: Presentations and itineraries and newsletters

Part time job: Mailings and socials and educational events

What I’m Excited About…

FULLER HOUSE starts FRIDAY!  I mean have you seen the trailer????

#HappyBirthdayToMe #NetflixAndCake

What I’m Watching/Reading…

     Watching: Grey’s Anatomy, obviously!

Therapist: Meredith, you were attacked in your own hospital and you consider that small stuff?

Meredith: Have you read my file?

#Truth #SeattleGrace #SeattleGraceMercyWest #GreySloanMemorial

Reading: It’s My Pleasure

What I’m Listening To…

The rain.

What I’m Wearing…

The comfiest black sweat pants I bought from Gap Factory Store circa Fall 2008 (I remember this because a friend who was preggers at the time bought the sweats and hoodie for post baby) and a sweatshirt because I’m in my pjs and typing this Tuesday night!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…

Vocalosity on Saturday!!!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…

Visiting the West Coast for the first time.  Hello Sunny

What Else is New…

This “family” is getting a YOUNGER sibling 😉 and I CANNOT wait to introduce it to you early next week!!!!! #OhBabyBaby

What Is Your Favorite Easter Tradition…

Growing up the Easter Bunny my Mom would hide eggs all over the house, but we weren’t allowed to hunt for them until we read the note left by the Easter Bunny.  It would tell us how many large eggs and how many small eggs were needed to find. I remember waking up and seeing a few in the bathroom (soap dish by sink and randomly balanced on shower curtain rod) and still think it was pretty cool.

Now, I like seeing families attend church together, and love seeing what everyone wears.

Feel free to join – and leave your link in the comments so we can all follow along!  Who am I kidding, no one reads this blog anymore 🙂


*Original What Up Wednesday idea came from reading Momfessionals because I think she is awesome, but 3 other bloggers are behind the concept.


Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas (2015)

One of my absolute favorite Christmas songs is this one.  Yes, I know posting a Christmas song January 14th is incredibly belated, but I just love Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and needed one more listen! 🙂

Below are my 2 favorite airport pictures!

Yes, I had the ENTIRE 6th row to myself!  I thought that was a wonderful Christmas gift from the airline. 😉

The better gift?  This group of family and friends waiting for their military man to come home!  Home for the Holidays!!!  SO special.  They had a group in the corner with the same shirts and posters.  Part of me wished I waited for their homecoming celebration…but little did I know, I was about to have my own surprise.

I called my mother and exited the airport doors (but not before snapping this picture)


of the airport Christmas tree.  I told my Mom where I’d be standing and waited patiently.  Well, this car (not my Mom’s) drives towards me and looks adamant that I’m the passenger.  I stand my ground thinking they must see their people behind me or something.  Nope, as the car gets closer I realize it’s Chrissy!  Senior year of High SChool I volunteered in her 1st grade classroom.  Then I graduated from college and kept her 2 kiddos M-F, and she had their 3rd before I moved to NC!

GREAT surprise!  But it got better!  Chrissy & my Mom got out of the car for hello hugs and as I walked to the back of the car to put my stuff in, I saw 3 little heads pop up!  The kiddos were part of the Welcome Home committee!!!

imageAnd Thomas proudly covered our eyes for what was supposed to be a nice group picture!

On the way home for the airport we had a lot of great chats.  It’s hard to be President of the Student Body as a 10 year old.  And in Dance Class as an 8 year old.  And well, 1st grade is just hard! 🙂 Love these kiddos!!!

We also drove by The Milbut’s (according to the massive rock in their driveway) and saw their AWESOME Christmas light display.


Pictures don’t do it justice.  They had EVERYTHING.

The next morning, mother and I woke up to meet an organization and deliver Turkey Boxes (frozen turkey, canned goods, etc.) to those who need a little extra help.  I did this in high school and it’s great to go back and see everyone now!

Then it was off to the grandparents!

Aren’t they cute?!

It was early Saturday morning so they were still in their
“snuggies”.  I spent the day with them and baked a few batches of Christmas cookies before going back to mothers to shower and get ready for a Christmas Open House at some family friends.  Sadly I took no pictures 😦 but it was a blast!  Old friends are the best friends!

Sunday was the only “cold” day and it wasn’t even that bad.  Gramma & Poppy decided to host a Panthers Viewing Party.  My Mom stayed home to finish some Christmas prep, but at halftime wanted me to pick her up and bring her to my grandparents (I had to borrow cars).  So, during halftime I went home and got her.  Let’s just say the game was better when she wasn’t in the room.  In true “Megan’s watching a sporting event” fashion, I asked mother to leave.  She left the room and the Panthers scored.  She came back in and the Giants scored.  Finally, she went outside.  She came in for something and this happened

So she went for a long walk around my grandparents neighborhood.

Once this happened

she was allowed back inside. 🙂

That sums it up for the weekend before Christmas.  Next week will be actual Christmas.  And New Years!

Thanks, friends!

Oh Hey! Remember me?!

Can we just all agree that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is absolutely nuts?  Sure we’ve got 2 fantastic holidays which bring their own bits of excitement and challenge, but we also pair that with the craziness of completing tasks before the ball drops!  I feel like the month of December is a blur because the demands of work life, part time work life, personal life, home life, family life, etc. are just out of control!

This image has been circulating for quite some time and I LOVE IT.


Let’s break it down.

#1. BE PRESENT: I have purchased minimal presents.  I am NOT someone who buys something just because I have to give a gift to someone.  I am the person who really THINKS about what to give AND I want it to be relatable and practical (I also gather things throughout the year – sometimes this works, sometimes I am so excited I give it to the person just because!).  I also decided to spend my weekends out and about with FRIENDS and my post work time running errands with FRIENDS and just doing what I want to do.  So if your Christmas gift arrives in March, know that I think about you year-round AND I spent my time in the moment…not feeling defeated by a crowded parking lot and check out lines 5 miles long! 🙂

#2. WRAP SOMEONE IN A HUG: Refer to #1.  Spending time with friends over spending time wrapping gifts.  Don’t have to tell me that twice!  Seriously though, November and December can be very isolating and social media doesn’t help.  Tell someone they matter.  It makes a HUGE difference to feel valued and important.

#3. SEND PEACE I wish everyone a peaceful season – the gifts we need aren’t found under a tree with stunning wrapping paper and a perfectly ornate bow.  They are found seated around the table – or the tables of friends.

#4. DONATE FOOD: Goodness, it is so much easier to donate food rather than shop for food and have to cook or bake with said food! 🙂 OR you could do both!  Donate food doesn’t just mean to a food pantry.  Donate a cake to a friends Christmas spread.  Donate cookies for a cookie swap.  Donate a side item or main entrée for a dinner.  Or, head to your nearest Chick-fil-A, pick up a party platter of nugget, a tray of cookies, and head to your local Police Station – they could use the pick me up and token of support!

#5. MAKE LOVE: I had BIG plans of baking and spreading the wealth but I just ran out of time.  Instead, I’ve decided to realign my plans and just LOVE what I’ve decided to do instead.

#6. BE THE LIGHT: Keep the true meaning of Christmas at the center.  I purchased this print awhile ago from Hobby Lobby and I LOVE it.


Merry Christmas folks!  I have a few more posts in mind before I sign off for Christmas!  Enjoy it!

Friday 5: Christmas Cheer

Hello, Friday!

This week was one of those weeks that crept by yet moved so fast all at the same time.  Anyone else feel that way?  Moving on, let’s grab a hot beverage and peruse the 5 on Friday linkup shall we?!?!

Remember this post about no heat in my home?  Well, I found out I have gas heat and it needed to be turned on.  Nice.  Found that out on Tuesday…Thursday was Thanksgiving…appointment was set for Monday.  Thank you Jesus the weather Thursday-Sunday was nice and warm!  Anyway, as of 3:00pm Monday no one had come (because that 8am-5pm window is stupid!), but at 2:00pm our complex lost power.  So I had no power and no heat.  Thankfully, the heat was turned on last night and now I feel like I can happily decorate for Christmas!

#1. Panthers Christmas Tree Lighting


The main attraction:


The entire event was awesome!  Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was shown on the Big Screen, so it was neat to enjoy complimentary Hot Chocolate and watch a Christmas classic until it was time for the festivities!  Bands, choirs, Purrcussion….good time!!

#2. The Ritz


Oh how I love the Ritz at Christmas time!  I remember the Gingerbread House the first year and how the lobby just smelled so good! The year they didn’t have a Gingerbread House was rather depressing 🙂 so I’m glad it’s back!

#3. My “Charlie Brown” tree


After work yesterday, I went and picked out my Christmas tree!  Best part?  It came with a stand!!!!  So I have it on top of a cabinet (with a towel underneath for the moment in the event I spilled any water – didn’t want to ruin the wood!) and went with SIMPLE this year.  White lights. Glittery sign.  Christmas Chicken. Nativity. My favorite Santa in a Manger picture.

#4. Social Media “Funny”



#5. Buzz City!

Ok so this one isn’t Christmas related, but the day before Thanksgiving, Julie and I went to the Hornets game!


That’s it for life lately!  Hope you’ve had a great week!  I have awesome weekend plans and I can’t wait to share them with you on Monday!

Where is the love?

My heart hurts.

People are mean.

People act entitled.

People think the world owes them something.

People forget compassion.

The meaning of the season is lost.


For real though!

How are we supposed to value family and thankfulness if so many people are pulled away from theirs by their source of income, because too many are choosing to leave to go stand in a line to save a few bucks?

How many people enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner really early because they had to go to work?  How many people weren’t able to spend time with their families because they had to work?  It’s not right.


Let’s take a moment to dissect the picture above, shall we?!

Gal in black t shirt looks happy.

Gal in black long sleeved shirt looks crazy.

Gal in green jacket is in the middle of a battle.

Gal? in blue hat and white jacket HAS HER ARM IN GREEN JACKET and green jacket is boxing out (kind of) while holding on to the door.


Not worth it. Not ok.

My heart began to hurt when I was in Target yesterday.  It was the first time in almost TWO WEEKS I had been to Target (or really any store), and it was apparent the staff was just exhausted and defeated.  I had to return something I purchased a few weeks ago.  The return line was long.  The amount of returned merchandise was spilling everywhere.

The super patient cashier was explaining the refund amount to the girl who was returning a Black Friday offer.  Return girl was RUDE.  She told the cashier that cashier was wrong and that she deserved more money.  Oh and she was on her phone the entire time.  Also rude. Cashier referred to the computer screen, the amount listed, the receipt.  Return girl continued to become irate.  Return girl was wrong, and did not handle the situation well at all.  I wanted to smack some sense into her…in the name of Jesus… because it was Sunday. 🙂

I just felt so bad.  As I looked around, no one was happy.  The meaning of the season lost among discounted merchandise only available at horrible hours.  I don’t like where the world is headed.  It absolutely breaks my heart.

Maybe this is why I’m choosing to Shop Small this Christmas.  Individual business owners tend to be much nicer!


Small Business Saturday!

Small Business Saturday.jpg

I’m so excited for this offer!  Why? Because the Holiday Gift Sets are FANTASTIC and they don’t need to be wrapped!  I am a HORRIBLE gift wrapper.  Also because I purchased a few gifts, a few things I’m almost out of AND was able to restock my shampoo & conditioner for free!  I love a good sale, don’t you?!

Are you participating in Small Business Saturday OR did you participate in Black Friday Madness?  leave a comment and let us know what your best bargain was!

Happy Shopping, friends!

5 On Friday: Thanksgiving Recap

Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving!

Here are 5 of my favorite things that happened yesterday! 🙂

#1 Early Thanksgiving with FamilyFamily

Ok so this didn’t happen yesterday.  But since it didn’t happen yesterday, it happened 2 weeks ago.  Thanksgiving with the family.  Oh how I adore my grandparents!

#2 The Charlotte Thanksgiving Day ParadeParade.jpg

I’m a sucker for traditions, and have enjoyed watching the Charlotte Thanksgiving Day Parade with some friends each year!

We started in 2011 but it rained (and they had an almost 4 month old) so we went to their place and ate breakfast foods and watched the Macy’s parade on TV instead.  In 2012 it was HOT and we watched the parade and quickly shed all of our layers.  2013 was FREEZING and we left early.  It was cold in 2014 and mean people kept standing in front of us blocking our view and disregarding our request for them to sit down or move.  2015 was PERFECTION!

#3 The Aunt Megan & Summer Thanksgiving Day PictureSummy.jpg

We were WAY warmer this year!  Last year Loren, Stephen, and I kept passing Summer around for body heat. This year, no one fought over the kiddos! 🙂 It is so much fun to watch a parade through the eyes of a kiddo.  And I LOVED how excited Summer was to see the “Thanksgiving CHICKEN!”

#4 Friendsgiving FumbleGBC Fumble

Last year I enjoyed dinner with my neighbors, Melissa & Seve.  It was so fantastic, the gang returned this year!  We ate during halftime of the Panthers game, and realized the Cowboys weren’t the only ones with fumbles! 😉 Someone dropped the Green Bean Casserole.  We all laughed!  I didn’t really care since I despise green beans – I was just happy the stuffing was ok! 🙂

#5 Football!


This season has been SO fun!  I watched Panthers games in college, but didn’t attend a game or purchase merchandise until I moved to CLT in ’09.  The 13-14 season was a lot of fun, and now 15-16 is the greatest!

And since it’s Black Friday, here’s a 5 on Friday BONUS!

#6 Give the gift of Better Beauty 2015 Holiday Gift Sets

This Christmas season is the perfect time to Give the Gift of #BetterBeauty and #SwitchToSafer.  Even better, if you place an order TODAY (until 2:59am ET Saturday, November 28th) you’ll receive FREE SHIPPING!


Place a $150 order between now and 2:59am ET December 1st and receive a full sized CLEAN shampoo and RINSE conditioner FOR FREE!!!  That’s a $44 savings ($49 if you order FRIDAY – $44 plus $5 shipping!) or if you have questions!




Hello! (not the Adele song)


Goodness it has been a long time since I’ve blogged!  I know it doesn’t seem that way, but I was gone for 2 weeks (but scheduled posts for my first week away) and let me tell you, the return home to normal life has been a little sluggish.  I’m talking I showered, put on comfy clothes, and pretty much didn’t leave my couch/home for a solid 24 hours! #TravelHangover

Anyway, let’s recap this past weekend shall we?

Friday I left against my will to swing by TWC for a new remote (and picked up a waffle & latte from Crispy Crepe on my way home) yum!  Saturday I unpacked and did laundry and watched the Carolina vs Virginia Tech game.  I was so torn.  I’m a huge Carolina fan but I love Frank Beamer.  I spent many Saturdays in Lane Stadium (including the coldest game ever) and just adore Beamer.  Happy for him, but happier with a Carolina win.

Sunday, Cassie and I met to redeem our mani pedi coupons! #OhHeyMoneyMailer and she asked me what I was wearing so I sent her this pic from Hallmark.  After 2 days of lazy clothes, I HAD to dry my hair and look presentable!


Sadly we didn’t take a picture together. 😦 But we did enjoy Starbucks, pretty nails, and girl time!!! I did however send Claire a picture of my outfit and declared it my “go to” for the season.

OPI’s How Great Is Your Dane? is on my fingers and Lincoln Park After Dark is on my toes!

We ended up watching the first half of the Panthers game at the nail place and we left at halftime so she could head home and I went uptown to meet some friends!


It certainly didn’t start out all that great, but man, that game ended well!


Once the game was over, Sarah, Brittany, and I decided to go ICE SKATING!  The weather was perfect – not too cold, but cold enough to feel “Christmasy”



For the 8 months (and 1 day) Claire knew she was pregnant, I started drinking for 2.  Well, it became a joke that I had to drink an extra glass of wine or adult beverage since Claire wasn’t drinking.  Now that Ariana made her appearance last Sunday, I’m no longer drinking for 2.  Now I’m ice skating for 2….so I sent Claire this picture:


which captures my “the things I do for you” face quite accurately!  🙂

The picture below may be my absolute favorite picture and it just worked out perfectly!


Since the rink closes at 7:00pm, we decided to head to Amelie’s for Hot Chocolate and Sweet Treats.  Well, since the main room was reserved for a private party, we sat in a rather amusing area.  It was a little chilly, and I just didn’t feel like going back inside for a knife…so this happened


such a fantastic Pecan Sticky Bun!  The warm chocolate wasn’t my favorite (because I’m all about some Not Just Coffee) but it was fun to hang out.

So there ya have it, a weekend recap…on a Tuesday.

And just because, I am totally in love with this song.  I’ve decided Hello is to 2015 what Blank Space was to 2014!

Adele – Hello

SNL – A Thanksgiving Miracle

5 on Friday: #SwitchToSafer Shopping


Thank goodness it is Friday!  #CanIGetAnAmen


About a month ago, I shared 5 Holiday Gift Sets with you which I was really excited about! (you may refer to this post for the list)

It was kind of like the first round of gathering Christmas Gift ideas for friends/family/special people and I placed my order within minutes of receiving that email.


Let me just tell you, I am L-O-V-I-N-G my Travel Body Collection with the amount of time I’ve spent in the airport and in hotels recently!  And the Sheer & Shimmer is just plain fun!

Grab a Hot Chocolate with a shot of Peppermint and lets begin! 😉

Holiday Wish List Header

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, these 5 additional options were unveiled!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions! (you may leave a comment or email me,

#1 Peppermint Lip Conditioning Duo

BC Holiday Peppermint Lip Balm and Scrub

Get a mistletoe-kissable pout with our new Sugar Lip Scrub in Peppermint, which exfoliates and hydrates cold-weather-chapped lips, and Lip Conditioner Peppermint Balm, a moisturizing formula that goes on solo or under your favorite Lip Sheer.

Includes: Sugar Lip Scrub in Peppermint and Peppermint Lip Conditioner

#2 Holiday Hand Collection

BC Holiday Hand Collection

Indulge overworked hands with our luxurious new Hand Soap Bar, which contains moisturizing shea butter, and our lightweight, easily absorbed Hand Cream. Both are infused with our sophisticated new Rose Neroli scent, a combination of fresh rose and floral, citrusy neroli.

Includes: Rose Neroli Hand Soap 3 oz. and Hand Cream in Rose Neroli 3 oz.

#3 Winter Clean Soap Collection

BC Holiday Winter Clean Soap Collection

Treat yourself from head to toe with our new soaps. Our gently cleansing Body Bar features our classic Citrus Mimosa scent, while our Charcoal Cleansing Bar for the face detoxifies and absorbs impurities in your skin without drying it out, resulting in a smoother, brighter complexion.

Includes: Citrus Mimosa Body Bar 5 oz. and Charcoal Cleansing Bar 3oz.

#4 Butter & Sugar Body Collection

BC Holiday Butter and Sugar Body Collection

Make the holidays even sweeter with our Enrich Body Butter and Lustro Sugar Scrub—the best pairing for soft, smooth skin. While our brown-sugar scrub gently buffs away dull skin, our rich body butter absorbs easily without feeling greasy.

Includes: Citrus Mimosa Body Butter and Lustro Sugar Scrub

#5 Day to Night Lip Gloss Collection

BC Holiday Day to Night Shine

Our wish-list-worthy Lip Gloss Collection includes two new, festive colors: Ruby, which is a soft, wearable red, and Opal, an opalescent shade with a sheer finish. For a bolder statement, layer either of them over Lip Sheers.

Includes: Lip Gloss in Opal and Lip Gloss in Ruby

I LOVE knowing that when I shop and give gifts, I’m giving something that not only smells great and performs well, but it’s beautifully made, and most importantly- safe!  I’m not gifting a bunch of harmful chemicals and toxins!

Peace on Earth and Peace of Mind this Christmas.  Can’t beat it!

***From today until Wednesday, November 25, 2015, anyone who orders a Holiday Gift Set from my website (found HERE) will be entered into a drawing to receive a FREE ITEM FROM ME as my gift to you!  Thank you friends!***

Happy Weekend!